Sunday, February 26, 2012

Who Knew...J.Crew!

The J.Crew March 2012 catalog arrived yesterday and I just had a chance to peruse it today.  What can I say?  Actually, I can say a lot.  I am transformed.  T-R-A-N-S-F-F-O-R-M-E-D.  Every single page elicited a schoolgirl squeal of delight followed by a frantic mental inventory of my closet to see if I could put together any one of their amazing looks utilizing my existing wardrobe.  Keep in mind I was also listening to the 80s pop station on Pandora while all this was happening, which only served to whip my euphoria to heretofore unseen heights.  I feel like a birthday cake has exploded in my heart.

Now all this is really saying something considering that a year ago I used to be not only a negative Nancy when it came to J. Crew, but also towards color in general.  I was quite fond of black, grey (which is basically light black), and more black.  In my prior, non-colorful life, I used to scoff at people who would say "navy is the new black" or "khaki is the new black" with the gently stated yet uncompromising reply that only "black is the new black".  And to this day I still love black.  Fall and winter were always my favorite seasons to dress for as I could literally dress in head-to-toe black and no one would think it anything out of the common way.

But one peek at any of the photos below and I'm sure you will agree that my change of heart is well-deserved.  Who knew that J.Crew could transform this raven into a peacock.  Who knew???


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